How can one define spirituality?

Most empaths feel drawn to spirituality, because science doesn’t offer explanations for their experiences, and that got me thinking…what could be its real purpose?

What is its purpose?

The available explanations offered in several dictionaries all point in the same direction:

  • Cambridge dictionary:
    • relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious.
  • Oxford dictionary:
    • of the soul; of religion; not of material things; of, from God
  • Van Dale Dictionary (Dutch):
    • The spirit, with reference to the immaterial
    • People who are receptive to all things related to religion and metaphysics

Reading these explanations, it seems that spirituality defines the connection between religions, believes and people.

Hasn’t spirituality always been a part of humanity through the ages? People have always sought out ways to find a sense of direction in their lives. If one considers the cultures of the Maya, Inca, Egyptians, Greek and Romans, they all left us with several landmarks all over the world, dedicated to old Gods and religions.

More often then not, religion became a backbone of a culture, where people found comfort in their gods and grew in their consciousness, allowing a society to thrive. The oldest surviving religion today, is Hinduism, an Indian religious and universal way of life by which followers abide for more then 3000 years. On the other hand, do other religions like: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and the Islam, not offer the same in their purest form?

If one explores their way to define spiritual roots, isn’t it seeking out their way to achieve a kind of mindfulness? In the end, that will improve one’s perspective on life and influences their lifestyle. But as always, spirituality is a means to an end and not an end on itself.

Use and abuse of spirituality

Surely, more often then not, religion and its applications has been the cause of discussions. Used as a motivation to start fights and long wars when the egocentric behaviour of individuals or a powerful group of people comes into play. Many examples can be found through time, such as the crusades, the conflicts in the Middle East and others where religion is abused as a means to an end.

But that’s not what this blogpost is about! It focusses on the true core of spirituality, the quest for finding a deeper meaning in life.

Seeking a deeper meaning in life

By itself, it isn’t wrong to seek out alternative paths to find a deeper meaning in life, as long as the intentions of that direction are selfless.

To remain openminded in your search is as important as being objective. Some insights might prove difficult to accept, but they could answer questions that you might have been curious about for a long time.

Influential speakers such as the Dalai Lama and Echart Tolle always have been emphasizing the importance of remaining in the present. To observe the world in front of you with a clear mind, without emotional clutter and that is one aspect of spirituality. Helping you to slow down, think about your morals and ethics and act accordingly.

The spiritual framework

Another aspect is the framework. References created to look at life as a sequence of events from which one can learn. Guidelines to create a healthy ethical and moral awareness. A means to an end to weave all experiences into a conscious lifestyle.

Every religion, regardless of its origins, offers their perspective on life and provides a path for its followers to some extend. In its purest form, their followers retain their free will and are not indoctrinated, as some of us have come to believe, nor are they compelled to do wrong to others.

Take for instance Sufism, a mystical Islamic doctrine and practice in which Muslims aspire to discover the reality of divine love and wisdom through direct personal encounters with God.

Another example is Buddhism, the belief that the human existence is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labour and good behaviour are means for achieving enlightenment.

Derived philosophies

Numerous faiths have served as a source of inspiration for the (re)discovery of earlier mindfulness practices. Fundamentally they can be divided into three categories:

  • Bodily exercises
  • Energy based therapy forms
  • Physical therapy forms

Many coaches offer exercises such as breathing techniques, meditation methods, yoga exercises to use your body to release and balance stress.

 While others use energy-based therapy forms like Reiki and Blossom remedies, to activate your healing capabilities. Some apply techniques such as Shiatsu, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Osteopathy to relieve physical discomforts.

All hold their own intrinsic holistic value, but explore them, before you fully commit. Inform yourself about what the therapy form entails.

Some empaths will benefit more from these alternative healing techniques then from classical medicines, as the side effects of medication might prove worse.

Using spirituality whilst dealing with heartache

Heartache often leaves an emptiness, a longing to fill the void of that one has lost.

Exploring spiritually could speed up recovery in discovering your way to achieve mindfulness. Meditation, prayers, talking to someone more spiritual such as a holistic coach, healer or priest could provide comfort in their grief.

Regardless, the trip down that path comes with a caution. Sometimes one gets lost, surrendering their identity and fleeing into oblivion, ignorant of its repercussions. Be mindful that suffering may provide you with bad advise.

Empaths and spirituality

In her book “The Empath Survival guide”, Dr. Judith Orloff describes several abilities that she encountered in her study of empaths, where only alternative philosophies offer an explanation. That clarifies why HSP’s and empaths seek out rather spiritual motivated courses and workshops to find peace of mind.


Lastly, there are the disbelievers and sceptics amongst us who want to explain everything with rationality and empirical prove. Some things can’t be proven… and yet, some scientists are investigating and finding real prove that all things are linked on a quantum level. Perspectives that are slowly opening doors to answer questions that have been explained for centuries in a much easier way by religions and alternative teachings.

The world’s common awareness is rapidly growing by the availability of a large variety of knowledge as more people are becoming able to study and grasp the full meaning of life and its purpose.


The be-all and the end-all of it, isn’t spiritual growth about discovering a meaningful lifestyle so we all can thrive? The most important consideration is that free will determines our choice to pursue our own life’s path.

Are you wondering about what spirituality might give you? Sweetharmony Happiness Coaching inspires HSPs and empaths to seek out their spiritual path to answer life’s questions in a practical sense, openminded, without losing track of reality.

Our one-on-one sessions, workshops and retreats will help you to connect to yourself and like-minded people.

Explore my website, follow me on the different channels or just send a message when you’re struggling.

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