Hi, I’m Patrick

How did it all start?

In today’s overwhelming world, most highly sensitive people struggle with sensory overloads (light, sound, smell, etc.), whereas empaths, who can truly feel the energetic vibrations of people and living objects around them, are typically overwhelmed by normal life and absorb it like a sponge.

Most of them struggle to balance the weariness and winddown time that’s required to offset that overstimulation and that eventually has an impact on all parts of their lives.

Frankly, I experienced it the same way, in my twenty-five years of career as an ICT professional. In 2020, I consciously chose to explore my true core in depth after I found myself in burnout again due to circumstances.

It has sparked my quest to find means to genuinely balance the sensory impulses that impact my absorbent capacity versus an efficient technique to slow down and dump the daily burden.

That exploration has shown the fundamental importance of a realistic, positive attitude in life! It truly makes the difference between a fulfilling happy harmonious life and mere survival. That has also huge influence on one’s stress levels and the way one mourns. The quest has also assisted me in completely understanding and reframing the various interactions between my core personality and past unresolved traumas connected to paedophilia, bullying, deaths, and dysfunctional relationships. Letting go of these limiting pains literally sets you free.

It became also the inspiration to define my own empath coaching philosophy.

After my first positive experiences with blossom remedies in 2002, I had already concluded that empath coaching necessitates mental coaching techniques with a holistic approach, and this conviction has only grown stronger over time.

It remains my sincere intention to truly stand out as a coach, which has necessitated training from professionals that specialise in various topics. There is no training that can really cover everything, so I sought wisdom from a number of sources, and the integration encompasses nearly every facet of an empath’s existence.

However, this text is simply an introduction; through blog articles, short vlogs, and podcasts, I delve into more depth on the various facets of being an empath. In addition, subjects such as mourning and technostress are also discussed in a more practical manner.

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How do I stand out as a coach?. (Click on the left arrow to see the option)

My passion as a coach

My passion as coach is as the sea, unpredictable, yet always present.

Sometimes a gentle wave rolling down the beach, providing you with a moment’s peace that you need to feel secure.

Sometimes a tidal-wave crashing down on your defences, breaking through your boundaries to reveal what lies beneath giving you the insight you need to grow.

Always a safe haven where we inspect your structure and strengthen the support beams.

My consistent stance assures a calm sea with a gentle wind to help keep your boat on a steady course to reach your goal.

Completed Coaching trainings

Centrum GEA

  • ICF Accredited training to Holistic Coach (2024-2025)

A-Plus Coaching

  • Expert module – Blended families (2023)
  • Expert Module – Relations and Families (2023)
  • Start To Coach Professional (2023)
  • Start To Coach Advanced (2023)
  • Start To Coach Essentials (2022-2023)

Coachingtrainings in progress

Linda Houben

  • Embodied coaching (2024-2025)

Holistic trainings