How can one apply Quantum thinking?

Quantum thinking is the ability to shift your mental focal point, alternating between an overall view and the detailed focus of a problem. If one is able to observe a situation clearly, the energy linked to the solution will help to lighten the feeling and resulting emotions.

This is not a new concept, however the approach might differentiate from others.


According to Wikipedia, quantum mechanics is a foundational theory in physics that describes how nature behaves at and below the scale of atoms. It forms the basis for all quantum physics, including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.

The definition of “Quantum,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is: “the smallest amount of energy that can be measured.” The two key words are “smallest” and “energy.”

For example, in the Marvel universe, the word “Quantum” has inspired authors to create a fictional world that entertains readers with comics and a larger audience with movies. Watching or reading something often stimulates our imagination. Why not use this perspective to spark our own imagination and create our view of the world?

Does quantum mechanics connect us with alternative worlds, or not? Let’s practice quantum shifting to observe alternative worlds that have inspired people over the centuries.

The Spiritual Quantum World

All written works with spiritual content, seminars, and holistic healing techniques are based on the concept of a single energy source that supports everything.

Whatever label one gives it—divine energy, universal energy, unconditional love, etc.—It is still the same, all-pervasive driving force. Our intent determines how each of us uses this strength.

Bach Flower Remedies:

Dr. Bach, a well-known bacteriologist, physician, and pathologist, has designed a simplified method to support people in their emotional well-being, known as the Bach blossom remedies. Each of the 38 remedies has its specific influence on basic human feelings and emotions.

Let’s take a look at Mimulus, which is used when we are feeling anxious or afraid about something specific. Applying the remedy helps us to overcome our fears and face them with courage.

The fundamental preparation process of these remedies transfers the healing energy of the plant to water. Brandy is afterwards added as a preservative to create the tincture.

While it’s application might seem daunting at first, everyone can learn how to use it.


The most accepted form of alternative healing today is Reiki. An energy healing technique in which an applicator (someone who has received formal training) uses gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy (also known as life force energy or Chi) through the client’s body, reducing stress and promoting healing.

Mikao Usui established the method as a spiritual practice in Japan in the 1920’s. With Usui’s assistance, one of his master pupils, Chujiro Hayashi, isolated the healing practices from a wider corpus of older practices.

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET):

The Integrated Energy Therapy philosophy is the brainchild of Steven Thayer. He devised a system of removing negative energy from certain areas of the body by channelling Angelic Energy through applying it on specific pressure points (EIT Healing) or through the 14 meditative transformational steps.

Awakening Your Light Body:

Thousands of people bear witness that they have experienced wonderful expansions of their consciousness through the work of Sanaya Roman and Duane Parker, who were inspired by the masters Orin and DaBen. Their books, meditations and courses have inspired people worldwide to connect their awareness to the interdimensional Quantum Energy Gridwork.

Through 6 meditative phases (each containing 12 meditations) one can broaden their perspective by stimulating their ability to become an objective observer.

The DNA Code of the Soul:
William Gysen has written multiple books, inspired by Master Anton, where he describes the evolutionary process of the soul through the reincarnation cycle over several ages. The main aspect of his books is the categorical system of the evolution of the soul.  He explains that people grow in their consciousness as they work through various experiences. His work also offers a structured perspective of the spiritual world, linking it to seven layers of consciousness which integrates it into the bigger picture as demonstrated in the previous paragraphs.


The five demonstrated philosophies all link to the spiritual quantum energy and complement each other, offering a broader perspective when one exposes themselves to the various applications of the theories.

The interpretation by itself beholds so many aspects at the same time and yet it could all amount to nothing.

Quantum Thinking

What was your interpretation after reading these paragraphs about the Spiritual Quantum World? Were you openminded or influenced by your own prejudice?

Were you able to observe how your intellectual filter determined how the interpretation was made? That is how quantum thinking works. The ability to see the overview, study some details, shift your consciousness again to make an overall interpretation and redo the process again until your point of view is determined or the issue is resolved.

In this exercise, some might acknowledge the way the cosmic balance is structured and others might claim this as nonsense. In any case, everyone is free to share their opinions, as long as they are not disrespectful.

Our point of view is determined by who we are.

Holistic healing techniques

Whether there is empirical proof or not, all the mentioned strategies can help HSPs and empaths to complement classical treatment forms.

Emphatical Quantum Thinking

In the approach to learn more about HSP and empathic abilities, a fourfold approach is used. Which are briefly explained below:

  1. Self-knowledge: Inquire and learn about what HSPs and empaths are and how their traits influence their behaviour.
  2. Reframing: Use that self-knowledge to identify your own habits and get acquainted with your abilities
  3. Healing: As you reframe your past experiences, there is no doubt that there will be painful memories that will require healing to release the emotional pressure
  4. Learn to feel okay when you’re out and about and think nothing about it. Mastering the steps, will shift your outlook on life as you embrace your strengths and use healthy techniques to balance them.

Quantum thinking involves the capacity to examine your own thinking, it improves your mental flexibility and ability to switch between different perspectives. All aspects of the fourfold method are built on the capacity to see the large picture, scrutinise details, and produce an overall interpretation.



When one starts to apply this strategy in mourning, it will become obvious that grieving is a process of processing pain on one hand and a learning experience on the other hand.

Using this technique will improve the flexibility of your mind to look at the provided structure. It allows you to see through your emotional moments where you embrace a painful feeling, expressing it emotionally and process them instead of suppressing because you must go on.

It helps your ability to observe where you are in your process in a healthy way.

Quantum Thinking will also help to explain to others what you are going through, countering their possible prejudices.


The term ‘Quantum Thinking’ might be an exaggerated name, but the strategy isn’t! It broadens the mind.

The strategy aids in observation; see the larger picture objectively, analyse specific aspects, modify your opinion to form an overall interpretation until your point of view is established or the situation resolved.

Imagine the implications if society were to be able to embrace the ability of quantum thinking. Could it connect all scientific, therapeutic and holistic forms of healing? Could it offer a faster, fundamental way to recover from injuries instead of being stranded on an island, handicapped or suffering in a vicious circle of pain?

Answer that question for yourself and observe your point of view. Share your thoughts in the comments of this blogpost.

What would you need to apply your quantum way of thinking? Remember that the most important consideration is that free will always determine your choice to pursue a healing trajectory.

Sweetharmony Happiness Coaching supports HSPs and empaths to seek out their path to heal their lives in a practical sense, openminded, without losing track of reality. Our one-on-one sessions, workshops and retreats will help you to connect to yourself and like-minded people.

Explore my website, follow me on the different channels or just send a message when you’re struggling.

These blogposts also refer to HSPs and Empaths, click on the link to keep on reading.