How did Sweetharmony Happiness coaching came to exist?

Many wonder how the name ‘Sweetharmony Happiness Coaching’ came to life, especially when the target audience are HSPs and empaths and how heartache fits into the bigger picture.

This blogpost explains it step by step, Read on to find out.



Sweetharmony consists of two words: sweet & harmony.

Sweet is the emphasising adjective to the noun ‘harmony’, that refers to the feeling(s) when someone connects to an empath or two empaths to each other. Warm, without real effort.

Harmony describes the harmonious relationship type that can exist, when someone connects on a deeper level. Somehow the combined energies enables them to blend in, creating a kind of twinning effect.

Almost nobody realises the full reach of an empath’s ability to connect to the energy of a relationship (regardless of the type). To fully comprehend that, it helps to relate to basic mathematics. The connection between the different members becomes an equation as shown below.

  • 1+1=2
    • Both people have a positive mindset, resulting in an inspiring, creative relationship that helps both to grow as individuals and in their collaboration (regardless of the type)
  • 1-1=0
    • One has a positive mindset, but the other has a rather negative one. The sum of both is ‘0’, a status quo. The relationship has no potential for growth, nor inspires a healthy collaboration.
  • (-1)+(-1)=-2
    • Both individuals have a bad attitude. Their partnership will amplify their negative environment, sending both into a downward spiral.

If HSPs and empaths are aware of their mindset, the potential to connect is endless. When connected with someone with a negative attitude their potential for growth becomes limited to impossible. Most of the time, it will leave them exhausted.

When I met my partner Veerle on October 31, 2005, we immediately encouraged each other to grow in order to thrive. We were 1+1=2. That’s also when we decided to register the domain name ‘’, when we got married on July 7, 2007 as it reflected how we experienced our relationship.


Happiness is neither a goal nor a means to an end, it’s a life style.

A balanced person always attempts to centre oneself as much as possible. With practice, they will develop an even awareness, leading to an objective vision of the world around them, accepting things as they really are, regardless of how they feel. Their perspective on life shifts in the same way, with Happiness serving as motivation for their behaviour.

When I reflect upon my life, it appears that I have always been looking for methods to find love and be ‘Happy’. It wasn’t until I truly realised  that love and happiness originate from inside. That realisation shifted my perspective and terminated dependence loops.


My outlook on life was altered after my beloved passed away on May 9, 2018. When the song A Different Corner was played during the funeral, it sparked a healing process that few people ever experienced.

The film of my life was played all over again, scene by scene, resulting in some severe circumstances. Some may call that karma.

Regardless, the process required five years to integrate all of my life lessons into the present, while also taking my empathic talents into consideration and feeling that Happiness fully.

Observing the world around me from that perspective, allowed me to see that many HSPs and empaths are frequently locked in the same vicious circle, caused and intensified by mourning.


This became the inspiration to define ‘Empath Coaching’ and start building my practice ‘Sweetharmony Happiness Coaching’ with the mission to inspire HSPs and empaths to translate their heartache into a strength. We try to shift their perspective through recognition and integration of their past experiences and abilities into the present while establishing their own version of a sweet, harmonious and happy lifestyle, connected to themselves and others.

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