Sweetharmony Happiness Coaching Newsletter Q4
This is the first real newsletter that I’m putting out there and I’m truly thrilled to tell about the subjects that are about to happen in the near future!
First of all, in the year 2024, the practice has matured in several ways. I have not only tried to improve the consistency and depth of our social media posts but also put in an enormous amount of effort to introduce new coaching methodologies.
Which has led to the development of the following themes:

The theme of the solidarity action ‘The Warmest Week’ in 2024, of the Flemish Radio station ‘Studio Brussel’ is ‘Ignite together to overcome Loneliness’ (translation of ‘Samen Vlammen tegen Eenzaamheid’).

Loneliness frequently occurs after losing someone. Many people are alone, some because they truly choose to be, while others are emotionally struggling with their bereavement, unaware of the impact of their loneliness on their social circle. Some have become isolated because of their inability to reintegrate into the world due to other causes.
When we take on the perspective of HSPs and empaths, we notice that it happens too often in their lives, unfortunately.
For those reasons, I’m offering 5 free coaching sessions (in total) to support Belgian people who have recently suffered a loss and are struggling with their bereavement. The main goal of the sessions is to find an individual way to disconnect from the pain.
All I’m asking for is a voluntary donation that will go integrally to the solidarity action with the name ‘Ignite together to overcome loneliness’ of the earlier mentioned radio station.
That will be the main theme for the months November and December 2024, and yet, there is even more to come 😊.

The next theme is more focussed on HSPs and empaths.
Starting in 2025, the practice would like to motivate people to set a good intentions for the New Year.
Explore which mindfulness strategies are available, but more importantly, what they entail and really experience what their impact might have on you.
During the first two months of 2025, we will delve into the different approaches to stress management with tips, online and life practice sessions, open for everyone. As we examine the different approaches, we will also discuss how you potentially can integrate them into your daily life, which also involves your family members in a practical sense.

So, when summarising things, in the approaching four months the coaching sessions and extra activities will be built around specific themes that could interest you.
The main topic till the end of the year 2024 is ‘Loneliness’, especially caused by loss, where the practice offers 5 free sessions where your voluntary contribution will go integrally to the solidarity action with the name ‘Ignite Together To Overcome Loneliness’, which is organised by the Flemish Radio Station Studio Brussel.
The theme for first two months of 2025 are about good intentions. We will delve into the Stress Management topic, exploring different approaches to mindfulness and more importantly, how to integrate them into your life.
That’s it for this newsletter, if you want to be kept in the loop about what we’re offering, follow us on the different social channels or just put the message ‘Newsletter’ in the comments. If you mention it, you will start to receive an email with all the details of the planned activities every two months.