Uncovering History: How Indigenous Wisdom Can Transform Our Lives Today

The Squamish
What drew me to Canada were, among many things, the Squamish. They are the original inhabitants of British Colombia, which is where I went. And surprisingly, even though they are a closed community, you can find signs all over the province. Including their language on road-signs, much like we can see in Wales with Welsh being an official language, next to English.
Over the last centuries they have been suppressed by the insatiable greed of capitalistic colonisers and usurpers. Wood, gold and other high-end commodities were well-liked among the other parts of the Commonwealth and Canada happened to be a treasure trove of natural resources. Inadvertently drawing the attention of “fortune-seekers”.
But did you know it were actually the indigenous people that taught the Pilgrims (first European settlers in North-America) how to survive in their new country to begin with? Almost half of the Pilgrim population died during the first harsh winter of malnutrition and poor housing. The different crops they had brought from Europe didn’t root. Originally, that’s what Thanksgiving is partly about. At that time, the Pilgrims had held a harvest feast where they invited the local tribes that had helped them. But again, through time the context of that tradition changed too, rewritten by ‘Civilisation’. Luckily today, that detail has been corrected in the last decades.
Through time, different strategies were tried to live together in peace. Working together, reservations, wars, even pleas to King Edward VII of England in 1906. Did it work out? Not really.
In an attempt to integrate them into ‘civilization’, children were even kidnapped to suppress their culture by putting them in Catholic reformation schools. A practice that only ended in 1996.
During the 1980’s, the general awareness of the Canadian population changed and started to recognise the monstrosities committed against the indigenous people, Unfortunately, some of their original identity, knowledge and traditions were lost.
In 2005, the Canadian government established a day of reconciliation: September 30th. In order to recognize these crimes, but especially the reconciliation between all Canadian citizens.
Today, their culture is reviving slowly. The Whisler’s Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre (SLCC) is an active reminder of that.

Relation to coaching
But how does this relate to coaching, you might think? Ask yourself: how many people are being held back by their past?
People from previous generations (born before 1965) were expected to behave according to social ‘rules’ of that time, regardless of their individuality.
That has gently changed in the 1980’s when the generations X (People approximately born between 1965 – 1976) and Y or the Millennials (People born between 1977 – 1995) shifted in their consciousness and becoming aware of people’s strengths and weaknesses, enhancing their ability to identify destructive behaviour through breakthroughs in psychology.
On the other hand, in the last decades, the pressure to perform within the society has increased enormously while more often than not, exposing how old behavioural patterns hold some of us back through the increased stress levels.
More and more people are taking it upon themselves to heal these old traumas to create an improved inner emotional balance, helping them to deal with daily stress.
A third advantage point of healing these older wounds, that it also helps the older generation to be guided by their children, in the end reuniting them.
Unfortunately, there will be circumstances that will never be resolved although the most important fact remains that the wrongdoings of the past can be undone, if there is a will to do so.
Therapy and coaching can contribute in the formation of a healthy awareness, just as the recognition of older cultures by society has contributed to the common growth of humankind.
Everything always starts with an intention that might grow into acts, but that requires a choice and the willingness to see it through.
You don’t have to take my word on it, but I have experienced first-hand how traumas and old inherited behavioural patterns have held me back. Who better than someone with life experience to help you?
When will you contact me?
My one-on-one sessions and workshops will help you to connect to yourself and like-minded people.
If you’re not convinced yet, follow me on social media, send me a message for a first contact.